The stress distribution, residual stress distribution, the optimum elasto-plastic radius and optimum autofrettage pressure have been obtained by the analysis. 并根据厚壁球壳的安定性条件和合成应力分布分析得出了最佳弹塑性半径和最佳自增强内压的统一解析解。
Optimum flowing pressure will bring maximum productivity of the oil wells in the low permeability oilfields. 在合理流压下,低渗透油田油井产能可得到最有效发挥。
By examples of free bulging of hemisphere and die bulging of cylinder parts, the optimum pressure cycles are calculated respectively, and the thickness distribution and void volume damage status are also demonstrated. 分别以半球壳和圆筒形零件为例,给出了优化后自由胀形和充模胀形的加压曲线,预测了成形零件的壁厚分布及空洞体积损伤情况。
The hysteresis direction at the optimum measuring pressure point on top wall is opposite to that on bottom wall. 风洞顶壁上最佳测压点非定常压力迟滞环方向与风洞底壁上对应最佳测压点非定常压力迟滞方向相反。
Through the theoretical and experimental study on rock breaking by submerged water jet, the optimum jet pressure condition, which takes specific energy as the object function for rock breaking is obtained. The results can be used for the design of hydraulic parameters of oil well drilling. 通过对淹没射流破岩的实验研究,得到了以比能作为目标函数的水力破岩最优射流压力条件,可用于指导现场钻井水力参数设计。
When the lamp is driven by sinusoidal voltage, the optimum filling pressure corresponding to the maximum VUV radiation intensity and efficiency is about 3 × 10~ 4 Pa. 研究表明在正弦电压驱动下,充气压3×104Pa左右时有最佳辐射强度和效率。
A simple thermodynamic model is adopted to analyse the impact of such cycle parameters of the system as discharge temperature of gas cooler, evaporating temperature, efficiency of compressor and expander and degree of superheat on the optimum high pressure. 运用热力学模型分析气体冷却器出口温度、蒸发温度、压缩机效率、过热度和膨胀机效率等参数对最优高压压力的影响。
The Influence. of Flow Resistances through Openings of Scroll Wraps on the Optimum Pressure Ratio 涡旋压缩机的齿端流动阻力对最佳压缩比的影响
Determination of the optimum operating pressure of throttle flow speed control system 节流调速系统最佳工作压力的确定
In this study, an attempt was made to apply supercritical CO2 extraction technique in the extraction of lycopene from the fruit of autumn olive, including the optimum of pressure, temperature and co-extraction species. 在本研究中,应用超临界流体CO2萃取技术对秋橄榄果肉中的番茄红素进行了萃取研究,包括对萃取压力、温度和助提剂种类等参数的优化。
Research on the optimum high pressure of CO_2 refrigeration system CO2制冷系统的最优高压压力研究
Study of optimum high pressure for transcritical cycles of supercritical fluids 超临界流体跨临界循环最优压力研究
This paper first introduces the basic principle of high-side pressure control and the concept of the optimum pressure. 本文介绍了CO2跨临界循环高压侧压力控制的基本原理;
At last, the main steam pressure during optimum sliding pressure operation of the unit at a given load is determined, and the theoretically calculated and the tested main steam pressures during optimum sliding pressure operation are basically the same. 最后,确定了机组在给定负荷下最佳滑压运行的主蒸汽压力,理论计算和试验结果表明,最佳滑压运行主蒸汽压力基本相同。
Experimental Study on Optimum Jet Pressure of Hydraulic Rock Breaking 水力破岩最优射流压力实验研究
The simple comparison of several CO_2 optimum high pressure correlations is presented at last. 最后还对几种关于CO2循环最优高压压力的关联式进行对比分析。
The optimum operating pressure at different conditions were also given. 模型还给出了不同条件下合适的操作压力。
Optimum Pressure Study on Storage of Natural Gas by Activated Carbon Adsorption 活性炭吸附贮存天然气的最佳压力研究
Method for calculating the balance torque, net torque of the crank shaft and the optimum balance pressure of the pumping unit is discussed in this paper. Formulas for calculating those values are also given. 本文讨论了气平衡抽油机的平衡扭矩、曲柄轴净扭矩以及最佳平衡压力的计算方法,给出了计算公式。
Through the theoretical and experimental study on rock breaking by submerged water jetting, taking rock breaking efficiency as goal function, the optimum jetting pressure was acquired to break rock. 本文通过对淹没射流破碎岩石的理论及实验研究,以破岩效率作为目标函数,得到射流破岩的最优压力条件。
The analytic expressions of the simple recuperative cycle efficiency and the optimum pressure ratio based on the new criterion are derived on the general simplified, assumptions. Some typical calculation results are presented also. 为此,在一些传统简化假定条件下,本文给出了基于新的分析准则的回热循环效率与最佳压比的解析表达式,以及一些典型计算结果曲线。
The function of the optimum sound pressure level of the rolling bearing noise is established especially for applications to engineering. 为了在工程上应用,特别建立了最优滚动轴承噪声声压级函数。
The optimum pressure ratio distribution of a multistage reciprocating compressor is presented based on the assumption, i.e. the inter stage cooling is perfect and there are no pressure losses. 目前,多级压缩最佳压比分配是在中间冷却效果完善及不考虑中冷时存在的压力损失条件下,按压缩机理论耗功为最小来确定的。结论是各级压比分配相等时为最佳。
Optimum pressure of hydrostatic test for pressure vessel 压力容器的最佳水压试验压力
It is illustrated that discharge temperature of gas cooler, efficiency of expander and degree of superheat at the inlet of compressor can exert more influence on the optimum high pressure. 结果表明,气体冷却器出口温度、过热度和膨胀机效率对最优高压压力的影响较为明显。
The measured optimum partial pressure of N2+ was 2.4 torr at a total pressure of 2 atm. in He/ N2 mixture. Kinetics of formation and quenching are analysed and discussed. 在He-N2混合系统中,总气压为2大气压时,测得最佳N2分压力2.4托,并讨论和分析了N2~+的形成和猝灭动力学。
The optimum injection pressure of gas flow and the height of lance for slag splashing to gain the maximum quantity of splashing slag are obtained by rationally equilibrating the synthetic effects of the two mechanisms. 合理平衡两种溅渣机制的综合作用,得到最佳喷吹压力和溅渣枪位,以获得最大的溅渣量。
The results show that the droplet diameter affect fire-preventing like a parabola, the optimum operation pressure is provided, The water curtains of different dip angles have large difference in fire retardant effect for different droplet size. 发现细水雾雾滴粒径对阻火效果的影响为抛物线形式,阻火系统存在临界压力,水幕倾角对不同粒径的雾滴阻火效果影响差别很大。